Skin Cancer ServicesSkin Cancer Services

Did you know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer occurring in our community? Pioneer Health Albany offers a comprehensive skin cancer service including full skin assessments, digital photographic surveillance, mole mapping, dermoscopy, biopsy of suspicious lesions and therapeutic options such as cryotherapy, surgical excision and management with skin cancer creams. Dr James Turner, Dr John Rowlands, Dr Jolmer Smit, Dr JJ Kriek and Dr Sourabh Joshi have all taken a further interest in skin and dermatology and provide weekly skin check clinics at the practice.

Meet Our Skin Doctors

Pioneer Health has five main doctors who have undertaken further training in skin management and who also have a keen interest in the many diverse skin conditions that are presented to them every day. Although they are interested in dermatology, they are not dermatologists or specialists. During your consult, they may be able to refer you to a dermatologist or specialist if it is required.

Dr James Turner


James has been pursuing his interest in Dermatology and Skin cancer medicine over the past 8 years that he has been a GP at Pioneer Health. He is trained in dermoscopy and is completing the RACGP certificate in primary care dermatology. James is a WAGPET supervisor and is involved in teaching training GPs, particularly in the field of primary care dermatology.

Dr John Rowlands

MBBS/BA, FRACCGP, IDD, Dip. Skin Cancer Med/Surg (SCCA)

John has a particular interest in dermatology problems and skin cancer management. He has completed the Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine with the Skin Cancer College Australasia, and the International Diploma of Dermoscopy with the Medical University of Graz, Austria. He regularly performs a range of GP surgeries. John is a WAGPET supervisor and teaches registrars in dermatology topics. John is also pleased to advise that within our practice, he is Skin Cancer College Accredited. This means that he has successfully completed high level training with the Skin Cancer College Australasia and has proven skills and knowledge in the diagnosis and management of skin cancer.

Dr Jolmer Smit


Jolmer has an interest in dermatology and skin cancer medicine. He specifically enjoys skin cancer management. He is very keen to assist you with any skin complaints. 

Dr Sourabh Joshi


Sourabh graduated from UWA medical school in 2012. He completed part of his intern year in Albany and worked in hospital before returning to Perth to gain experience in various specialties. He has worked in Fiona Stanley Hospital and more recently at King Edward Memorial Hospital focusing on obstetrics, antenatal care and perinatal mental health. He has completed a post-graduate diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (DRANZCOG) and is currently undertaking study in children's health through the Sydney Child Health Program. In his spare time, Sourabh enjoys swing dancing, rock climbing and scuba diving.

Dr JJ Kriek

MBChB, FRACGP, PGDFM, Australian Dermatology Diploma, Professional Diploma of Dermoscopy


JJ completed his primary medical degree and a postgraduate diploma in family medicine in South Africa before moving to Australia in 2008.  He started his Australian journey in Broome Hospital, where he worked as a District Medical Officer before moving to Albany in 2011.

He has completed his RACGP fellowship and postgraduate diplomas in dermatology and dermoscopy and is currently busy with his Master of Medicine (MMed) degree in Skin Cancer at the University of Queensland.

His special interests include family medicine, chronic disease management, dermatology, skin checks, skin cancer surveillance following skin cancer and primary skin cancer surgery.

He enjoys the outdoors, gardening, running and spending time with his family.

What is a Skin Check?

A thorough assessment of your skin involves a detailed history about your previous skin problems and risk factors for skin cancer as well as a careful examination under good lighting and with the aid of a dermatoscope.

A dermatoscope is a type of hand held skin microscope which increases the detection of early skin cancers by about 30%. A skin check can be performed for anyone who is concerned about their skin. Based on this assessment your doctor can advise you on your relative level of risk for developing skin cancers and make recommendation about how often you should have your skin checked. People with risk factors for skin cancer (age 40 yrs, a family history or personal history of skin cancers, a history of significant sun exposure, fair skin that burns easily, multiple moles, previous radiotherapy or organ transplant) are recommended to have a full skin check.

Skin Photography and Mole Mapping

Digital skin photography can by a useful part of surveillance for skin cancers. Baseline photos can be used for comparison at future skin checks and allows accurate assessment of change in particular lesions or of new lesions developing.

Lesions that are atypical in appearance may be suitable to observe with dermoscopic photographs to assess change at a 3 month interval. Some patients at high risk of skin cancer or those with atypical naevi benefit from detailed mole mapping to detect subtle melanomas. Pioneer has photoMAX PRO software which enables comprehensive mole mapping. This may reduce the number of lesions that require a surgical biopsy. All photographic images are stored securely. .

Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Treatment options for skin cancer continue to develop and now in addition to surgical methods some skin cancers may be suitable for treatment with various prescription creams.

Cryotherapy which involves treatment with liquid nitrogen is an old treatment modality which still has a place in the treatment of some pre-cancerous lesions. If a skin biopsy or definitive surgical treatment is necessary then Pioneer Health has 2 fully equipped minor theatres in which these can be performed. Several of our doctors are skilled in skin surgery and have regular surgical lists in the rooms each week. The majority of skin cancers therefore can be treated with the most advanced therapies right here in the comfortable surroundings of the Pioneer clinic. A smaller number of high risk cancers can be referred as necessary to specialized dermatologists or plastic surgeons who visit Albany or in Perth.


Albany Skin Clinic provides regular skin check clinics run from within Pioneer Health. If you would like to make an appointment, please call us on 9892 0470.

Our Services



Consultation and Procedural Fees

For further information regarding skin check consulation fees and procedural out of pocket costs, please refer to our fees page.