Pioneer Health is a large General Practice with 16 000+ active patients. We have 20 permanent practitioners as well as up to 4 registrars, supported by 12 practice nurses.
Our purpose built medical centre has 16 consulting rooms as well as 5 procedure rooms.
Pioneer Health is a well established teaching practice and we take pride in providing outstanding training in the specialty of rural general practice. Pioneer Health has been awarded the WAGPET practice of the year twice, most recently in 2021. The practice has some 8 GP supervisors and supports procedural training in obstetrics, anaesthetics, skin surgery and emergency medicine. Furthermore Pioneer Health has practice expertise in all aspects of general practice including aboriginal health, geriatrics, dermatology, mental health and paediatrics. The practice runs a busy skin cancer service with daily skin surgery lists.
Pioneer Health is also one of the few general practices in Australia that offers phototherapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). At Pioneer Health, prospective GP registrars have the unique opportunity to develop special skills and training in a wide variety of clinical areas. The practice has formal clinical learning sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes. Our teaching activities also include the provision of two GP intern and two GP RMO posts at the practice, as well as regular medical student placements. Our practice wide learning culture means that all Pioneer GPs have an "open door policy" which welcomes questions from junior doctors at any time.