Pioneer Health Albany


Pioneer Health provides a full vaccination service including all routine schedule vaccinations as well as the full range of travel vaccinations. Pioneer is also an accredited Yellow fever vaccination provider. Vaccines provide immunity to disease through stimulating the bodies own immune system. The World Health Organisation considers vaccination the most effective strategy we have to prevent death and reduce disease in our community. 

Click here for a list of current recommended childhood vaccinations on the WA schedule.

Click here for a list of recommended adult vaccinations.

If you are travelling overseas it is worthwhile to book an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss with you any vaccinations and booster vaccinations that may be worthwhile to keep you well during your travels. You may also need medication to prevent or treat malaria or travellers diarrhoea. 

Q Fever Vaccinations

Q Fever is a severe, acute febrile illness, which is a major problem in Australia and around the world. It is a disease which is spread from animals to humans.  Cattle, sheep and goats are the main reservoirs for infection in humans. Q fever is principally an occupational infection particularly for workers in the livestock rearing and meat processing industries and in their dependent trades. 

Q Fever appointments can only be booked with Dr David Tadj, please phone the practice on 9842 2822 if you would like to make an appointment. Before attending the practice, please read the Q Fever Brochure and Patiet Leaflet and complete the Patient Questionnaire.

Q-Fever Total Fee $345
This fee includes the cost of the skin test kit, pathology and the vaccine. The cost of the vaccine ($125) will be refunded to you, should you not require it.

SmartVax Vaccination Monitoring now at Pioneer Health

Immunisations save millions of lives each year.  When vaccinating your children or yourself it is natural to wonder about possible side effects.  Serious adverse events are rare, but a small number of people experience side effects such as a low grade fever, pain or redness at the injection site.  To help with monitoring such events Pioneer Health is now using SmartVax. SmartVax is a program that sends a text message to patients to see if they experienced any reactions following an immunisation.

Anyone who responds that they experienced a reaction will be sent an SMS link to a 2 minute online survey that requests further detail about their reaction.  Your vaccine provider at Pioneer Health is notified of any reactions you report, and information about suspected adverse events may be shared with public health authorities who use this information for monitoring vaccine safety.

For more information and some screen shots of the messages and survey, go to the SmartVax website.

SmartVax website
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